How to Use the Concordance Search Field
How do I use the Concordance search field?
The Concordance has one simple search field that allows you to search for Keywords, Strong's Numbers, or Biblical References. Simply type the keyword, number or reference that you wish to find and the site will pop up a drop down menu below the search area and provide you with valid auto-complete options that match your search. You can either keep typing the whole word or use the up/down arrows to move up and down the auto-complete list to pick your desired search term (or use the mouse to click on the desired search term). If the desired term is the first one in the list, you may simply hit the Enter/Return button and it will be selected.
When you have selected a valid auto-complete search option, the keyword, number or reference will be encased in a colored "pill" with an "x" in the corner (for deleting). The Concordance allows you to compare multiple words at once, so you can repeat this process and enter a new word if you wish. Each additional word will be encased in a "pill" with a different color, and when you hit the Search button the results will be color coordinated to match the search words.
If you only enter one word, and the site isn't able to guess the proper auto-complete keyword, number or reference, it will not put the word into a "pill". This can happen if you type too fast, or you enter a word that doesn't exist in the Bible, or the word is ambiguous (e.g. like "John" which is both a keyword and a Book of the Bible). But if it doesn't turn into a "pill" you can still click the Search button and try your luck. If the Concordance can guess whether this is a keyword, number or reference, it will display the results. If there were no matches to your search, you will get an error and you will need to try again. If you are having trouble, it's always best to select one of the valid auto-complete words from the list.